Antharvedi - East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh

Crew : Me and Rajasekhar Dated : 23rd Oct, 2017 The plan to the Antharvedi bought by childhood friend on his bike. The ride starts on his new bike. It is closely 65-70 km from my town(Akividu) and we reached in about 2.30 hours. Antharvedi - Lakshmi Narasimha Temple Timings : -- Ticket Fare : Garbha Gudi darshanam - INR 25 How to Reach: Buses available from nearby towns. We can reach Narasapuram Streamer Road and then cross the Godavari River by boat(Panti available - INR 10 per head, bike - INR 10). Nearest Place : Sakhinetipalli Best time to Visit: Anytime. Duration: 1-2 hours(temple only) Highlights: Nitya A nnadanam happens everyday, Near to Beach, Anna Chellilu Gattu(Where Godavari meets Bay of Bengal), Vasishta Devalayam. Sthalapuranam: Also known as "Dakshina Kashi (Kashi of the South), Antarvedi, is an important pilgrim centre in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh state in India, situated at the interior part at East coast. Lord ...